

Robotics & Value Sensitive Design

Sex robots in care: setting the stage for a discussion on the potential use of sexual robot technologies for persons with disabilities

Fosch-Villaronga, E., & Poulsen, A. (2021). HRI '21 Companion: Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

Sex care robots 

Fosch-Villaronga, E., & Poulsen, A. (2020). Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics

PhD student perspectives on value sensitive design

Logler, N., Jacobs, N., Melnyk, A., Poulsen, A., Raleigh, M. B., Winkler, T., and Borning, A. (2020). Proceedings of the ETHICOMP 2020 18th International Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT. Logroño, Spain

Overcoming carer shortages with care robots: Dynamic value trade-offs in run-time

Poulsen, A., & Burmeister, O. K. (2019). Australasian Journal of Information Systems

Care robot transparency isn't enough for trust

Poulsen, A., Burmeister, O. K., & Tien, D. (2019). Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP). Sydney, Australia

The ethics of inherent trust in care robots for the elderly

Poulsen, A., Burmeister, O. K., & Kreps, D. (2018). In D. Kreps, C. Ess, L. Leenen, & K. Kimppa (Eds.), This Changes Everything – ICT and Climate Change: What Can We Do?. Poznan, Poland: Springer

A new design approach and framework for elderly care robots

Poulsen, A., Burmeister, O. K., & Tien, D. (2018). Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Information Systems. Sydney, Australia

A care robot design tool

Poulsen, A. (2018). Proceedings of the Charles Sturt University Higher Degree Research Conference. Wagga Wagga, Australia

Values in motion design: A care robot design methodology

Poulsen, A. (2018). Proceedings of the 17th National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing. Melbourne, Australia

Inclusive AI & Algorithms

Diversity and inclusion in artificial intelligence

Fosch-Villaronga, E., & Poulsen, A. (2022). In Custers, B.H.M., & Fosch Villaronga, E. (Eds.), Law and Artificial Intelligence. Leiden, The Netherlands: Springer

Gendering algorithms in social media

Fosch Villaronga, E., Poulsen, A., Søraa, R.A., Custers, B.H.M. (2021). ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter

A little bird told me your gender: Gender inferences in social media

Fosch Villaronga, E., Poulsen, A., Søraa, R.A., Custers, B.H.M. (2021). Information Processing & Management

Don't guess my gender gurl: the inadvertent impact of gender inferences

Fosch Villaronga, E., Poulsen, A., Søraa, R.A., Custers, B.H.M. (2020). BIAS 2020: Bias and Fairness in AI Workshop at the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD)

Queering machines

Poulsen, A., Fosch-Villaronga, E. & Søraa, R.A. (2020). Nature Machine Intelligence

LGBTQ+ Older Adults

Older LGBT+ and blockchain in healthcare: A value sensitive design perspective

Poulsen, A., & Fosch-Villaronga, E. (2022). [Preprint]. arXiv:2309.15876

Value sensing robots: The older LGBTIQ+ community

Poulsen, A., Skaines, I., McLaren, S., & Burmeister, O.K. (2020). In Oliva, M. A., Borondo, J. P., Murata, K., & Palma, A. M. L. (Eds.), Societal Challenges in the Smart Society. Logroño, Spain: Universidad de La Rioja

Value sensing robots: The older LGBTIQ+ community

Poulsen, A., Skaines, I., McLaren, S., & Burmeister, O.K. (2020). [Extended abstract]. Proceedings of the ETHICOMP 2020 18th International Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT. Logroño, Spain

Cybersecurity, value sensing robots for LGBTIQ+ elderly, and the need for revised codes of conduct

Poulsen, A., Fosch-Villaronga, E., & Burmeister, O. K. (2020). Australian Journal of Information Systems

Informing the design of assistive technology through the discovery of the social, moral, and care values important in LGBTIQ+ eldercare

Poulsen, A., Skaines, I., McLaren, S., & Burmeister, O.K. (2019). Proceedings of the 4th National LGBT&I Ageing & Aged Care Conference. Melbourne, Australia

Addressing LGBTIQ+ elder loneliness with person centred, safe care robots

Poulsen, A. (2019). Australian Association of Gerontology Conference 2019 - International Convention Centre. Sydney, Australia

Mobile Health in Low- & Middle-Income Countries

Digital rights and mobile health in Southeast Asia: A scoping review

Poulsen, A., Song, Y. J. C., Fosch-Villaronga, E., LaMonica, H. M., Iannelli, O., Alam, M., & Hickie, I. B. (2024). DIGITAL HEALTH

Overcoming barriers to mHealth co-design in low- and middle-income countries: a research toolkit

Poulsen, A., Hickie, I. B., Alam, M., Crouse, J. J., Ekambareshwar, M., Loblay, V., Song Y. J. C., & LaMonica, H. M. (2024). Information Technology for Development

Parenting app to support socio-emotional and cognitive development in early childhood: iterative codesign learnings from nine low-income and middle-income countries

Alam, M., Hickie, I. B., Poulsen, A., Ekambareshwar, M., Loblay, V., Crouse, J. J., Hindmarsh, G., Song, Y. J. C., Yoon, A., Cha, G., Wilson, C., Sweeney-Nash, M., Troy, J., & LaMonica, H. M. (2023). BMJ Open

Digital rights and mobile health in low- and middle-income countries: Protocol for a scoping review

Poulsen, A., Song, Y. J. C., Fosch-Villaronga, E., LaMonica, H. M., Iannelli, O., Alam, M., & Hickie, I. B. (2023). JMIR Research Protocols

User experience co-design of a mobile application to support childrearing in low-and middle-income countries

Poulsen, A., Hickie, I. B., Alam, M., & LaMonica, H. M. (2023). In A. Bamgboje-Ayodele, M. Prgomet, C. E. Kuziemsky, P. Elkin, & C. Nøhr (Eds.), Context Sensitive Health Informatics and the Pandemic Boost. IOS Press. 

Co-designing the user experience of a parenting and early childhood development mHealth app in lower-and middle-income countries

Poulsen, A., Hickie, I. B., Alam, M., & LaMonica, H. M. (2023). Proceedings of Digital Health Week [ePoster]. Sydney, Australia

Digital Mental Health

Cultural and Contextual Adaptation of Digital Health Interventions: Narrative Review

Naderbagi, A., Loblay, V., Zahed, I. U. M., Ekambareshwar, M., Poulsen, A., Song, Y. J. C., Ospina-Pinillos, L., Krausz, M., Kamel, M. M., Hickie, I. B., & LaMonica, H. M. (2024). Journal of Medical Internet Research

Personalized and collaborative care are crucial elements for sustained engagement with digital measurement-based care tools: A mixed-methods study

Chong, M. K., Hickie, I. B., Ekambareshwar, M., Poulsen, A., McKenna, S., Hutcheon, A., Hockey, S. J., Scott, E. M., & Iorfino, F. (2024). BMC Health Services Research

AI Ethics

The impact of artificial intelligence on healthcare

Kvedaravičienė, G., Poulsen, A., & Žaliauskaitė, M. (2023). In J-S. Gordon (Eds.), Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill

Perspectives about artificial moral agents

Martinho, A., Poulsen, A., Kroesen, M., & Chorus, C. (2021). AI and Ethics

Cybersecurity considerations for a code of conduct for developing and using AI and robot technology in healthcare: A European perspective

Poulsen, A., Fosch-Villaronga, E., & Burmeister, O. K. (2019). Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Australasian Institute of Computer Ethics (AiCE 2019). Melbourne, Australia

Responses to a critique of artificial moral agents

Poulsen, A., Anderson, M., Anderson, S. L., Byford, B., Fossa, F., Neely E. L., Rosas, A., & Winfield A. (2019). [Preprint]. arXiv:1903.07021

A post publication review of “Threats to autonomy from emerging ICTs"

Poulsen, A. (2018). Australasian Journal of Information Systems

Professional ethics involving cyber security and autonomous robots

Burmeister, O. K., Thomas, G., & Poulsen, A. (2018). In S. G. Tzafestas (Ed.), Information, communication, and automation ethics in the knowledge society age. NY: Nova Science Publishers

Ageing & Technology

Technology for Homes Project Evaluation: Summary of findings

Burmeister, O. K., Randell-Moon, H., Rehman, S., Roberts, R., Ul-Haq, A., Greig, J., & Poulsen, A. (2020). Bathurst, Australia: Charles Sturt University

Fundamental rights and smart health technologies

Poulsen, A., & Ul-Haq, A. (2020). In J. S. Gordon (Ed.), Smart Technologies and Fundamental Rights. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill

A post publication review of "The impact of telehealth technology on user perception of wellbeing and social functioning, and the implications for service providers"

Poulsen, A. (2020). Australasian Journal of Information Systems

A post publication review of "Emerging insights of health informatics research: A literature analysis for outlining new themes"

Poulsen, A., Ul-Haq, A., & Miah, S. (2019). Australasian Journal of Information Systems

Evaluation of Orange City Council’s spark a connection art and dementia program: Summary of findings

Poulsen, A., Burmeister, O. K., & Greig, J. (2019). Bathurst, Australia: Charles Sturt University





Digital Health & Informatics Network Early Career Researcher Community - Co-Deputy Chair

Australian Association of Gerontology - Co-convenor of the Assistive Technology Special Interest Group & Member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Special Interest Group

Pride in Port (charity) - General Member of Committee

Australian Computer Society

Association for Computing Machinery

Wearable Robotics COST Action Working Group 4 – Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects & Working Group 5 – Education and Dissemination

IEEE P7008 - Standard for Ethically Driven Nudging for Robotic, Intelligent and Autonomous Systems - part of The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS)

Charles Sturt University's Health Services Research Group, Data Science Research Unit, & Ageing Well Research Group


Paper & panel presentation at the 6th Conference on Human Rights. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 2023

Invited talk at the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Humanities. Busan, South Korea. 2023

The University of Sydney delegation to Sydney WorldPride Human Rights Conference. 2023

Presentation at 2nd SAILS Conference on Law and AI. Leiden, the Netherlands. 2022

ePoster presentation at Digital Health Week. 2023

Poster presentation at Brain and Mind Centre Symposium. 2022

Paper & presentation (given by lead author) at Bias and Fairness in AI Workshop at ECMLPKDD 2020. Ghent, Belgium. 2020

Paper & panel presentation at the 18th International Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT (ETHICOMP). Logroño, Spain. 2020

Poster presentation at the 52nd Australian Association of Gerontology Conference 2019. Sydney, Australia. 2019

Short paper presentation at the 4th National LGBT&I Ageing & Aged Care Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 2019


Prof Oliver K. Burmeister - Professor in Information Technology & Senior Research Fellow - Charles Sturt University, Australia

Dr David Tien - Senior Lecturer in Information Technology - Charles Sturt University, Australia

Dr Anwaar Ulhaq - Lecturer in School of Computing and Mathematics - Charles Sturt University, Australia

Dr Sabih Rehman - Course Director & Lecturer in Computing - Charles Sturt University, Australia

Margaret Allen - Registered Nurse & Consultant - Omnicare Alliance, Australia

Dr Eduard Fosch-Villaronga - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher at eLaw- Center for Law and Digital Technologies - Leiden University, Netherlands

Dr David Kreps - Reader in Philosophy of Information Systems - University of Salford, UK

Ivan Skaines - Co-Founder of Newcastle Pride - Newcastle, Australia

Dr Jenni Greig - Research Officer & Lecturer - Charles Sturt University, Australia

Prof Michael Anderson - Professor Emeritus - University of Hartford, United States

Prof Susan Leigh Anderson - Professor Emerita - University of Connecticut, United States

Ben Byford - Podcaster of Machine Ethics and Ethical by Design Artificial Intelligence consultant - Bristol, UK

Dr Fabio Fossa - Research Fellow - University of Turin, Italy

Assoc Prof Erica L. Neely - Associate Professor of Philosophy - Ohio Northern University, United States

Prof Alejandro Rosas - Professor Titular - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia 

Prof Alan F. Winfield - Professor of Robot Ethics - University of the West of England, UK

Assoc Prof Shah Miah - Associate Professor of Information Systems - Victoria University, Australia

Dr Roger A. Søraa - Researcher at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 

Andreia M. Martinho - PhD candidate - Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Prof Bart H. M. Custers - Professor of Law and Data Science - Leiden University, Netherlands